Over 34 Years of Criminal Law Experience
Phoenix Criminal
Law Specialist
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Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, contact Phoenix criminal defense attorney Craig Orent today for immediate help. Craig is an Arizona State Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Put his experience to work for you.

Orent Law Office - 11811 N. Tatum Blvd. STE 3031 Phoenix, Arizona 85028

You have the right to have an attorney represent you if you’re facing criminal charges in Phoenix, Arizona.

Your choice of representation matters. If you want to level the playing field or tip the scales of justice in your favor, your first call should be to criminal defense attorney Craig Orent. Craig Orent is a Certified Criminal Law Specialist whose defense experience spans more than three decades.

He’s handled thousands of criminal matters, helping clients achieve the best possible results – from dismissals or reductions in charges to favorable plea agreements to winning verdicts in court.

When your future hangs in the balance, he’s the award-winning criminal defense attorney you need in your corner.

Phoenix Criminal Lawyer With Over 30 Years Experience

Whether you’ve been accused of a domestic violence or have been charged with homicide or a serious sex crime, Craig Orent is a trusted criminal defense attorney who will defend your rights at every turn. Contact his Maricopa County law office to discuss your case, learn about your options, and discover how he can be your most trusted ally during this tough process.

What our clients say

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What our clients say
“Craig was aggressive and determined, always on top of things. He had my future in his hands and not once did he give up on my case.” criminal defense client
What our clients say
“Highly recommend to anyone needing help; Honest, straight forward, made it easy for me to go through a difficult time.” mauricio, a dui client
What our clients say
“He handled my case with great care and concern and helped me through the process. I highly recommend him and am very happy with the turnout of my case. His knowledge and expertise puts him in the top 10% but his understanding, caring and trustworthiness places him at #1.” criminal defense client
What our clients say
“Excellent lawyer, who rescued me. Highly recommend to anyone facing criminal charges.” AC, a criminal defense client

Criminal Defense Cases We Handle in Phoenix, AZ

Craig Orent has dedicated three decades of law practice to criminal defense. We have defended individuals accused of committing all kinds of crimes, from the simplest misdemeanors to the most serious felonies. Moreover, our attorneys have tried countless criminal defenses in state and federal courts. We will stand by your no matter the charge or where it’s brought.

If you’ve already been convicted, our legal team can help with your appeal. If you need help with your criminal matter, make us your first call. We offer free initial consultations. So, call today to schedule yours.

Why Should You Contact Orent Law Offices, PLC If You’re Facing Criminal Charges in Phoenix, AZ?

If you are under investigation, you'll need help from a criminal attorney to help you with:

Conduct an Exhaustive Investigation Into Your Alleged Crime

Phoenix prosecutors will invest considerable time and resources into turning your criminal charge into a conviction. Once you enlist our law firm’s services, we will jump into action and begin to scrutinize every aspect of your alleged criminal offense.

We’ll carefully review the charges against you, visit the scene, interview witnesses, and gather information on your behalf. Our goal will be to identify weaknesses in the government’s case against you, determine the best strategies for your particular situation, and begin to build a foundation for your defense.

Your Rights May Have Been Violated – And We’ll Work Hard to Determine If That’s True

Just because the police have a gut feeling that you might have been involved in criminal activity doesn’t mean that they can arrest you on the spot. If you’re arrested unlawfully, subjected to an illegal search and seizure, or if you aren’t read your rights (among other things) – the government cannot be allowed to benefit.

Our Phoenix criminal defense team will carefully review your encounter(s) with the police, investigators, and the prosecution. If we determine officers crossed a line, we will immediately move to have the court intervene.

We’ll Fight to Undermine the Government’s Case at Every Turn

While we will work diligently to argue every legitimate defense that might benefit you, our attorneys will also challenge the prosecution every step of the way. From the moment we begin to represent you, we will start to determine where mistakes may have been made and where the state’s case against you is weakest.

This might involve:
- Challenging the validity of your arrest or a government search
- Challenging the state’s evidence in court
- Undermining the believability or credibility of witnesses offering testimony against you

We’ll Help You Make the Tough Decisions

When you’re arrested, you can count on our attorneys to help you navigate the criminal process.

And, when the time comes, our attorneys will be there to help you make the tough decisions that will affect you for the rest of your life. For instance, should you accept a plea bargain or have our skilled litigators argue your case in the courtroom? We’ll help you understand your options, weigh the pros and cons, and offer candid advice that you can rely on.

Case Results

Contact us today and find out how we can help you.

DUI and Domestic Violence
Assault + Disorderly Conduct


Domestic violence charges
dismissed + DUI reduced to
dry reckless


Conspiracy, illegal control of
enterprise + possession of marijuana


Dismissed prior to trial




Dismissed on day of trial




Not Guilty




Not Guilty


Conspiracy, illegal control of
enterprise + possession of marijuana


Dismissed prior to trial




Dismissed on day of trial


DUI and Domestic Violence
Assault + Disorderly Conduct


Domestic violence charges
dismissed + DUI reduced to
dry reckless

Our Phoenix Criminal Defense Law Firm

Contact Us 24/7

Come to our Our Criminal Defense Law Firm Today


11811 N. Tatum Blvd. Unit 3031-15B
Phoenix, Arizona 85028

Visit our law office (480) 656-7301

Phoenix Criminal Defense FAQs

See our partial list of our frequently asked questions. For more information, please visit our complete Criminal Defense FAQ here.

Do I Need a Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyer If I’m Innocent?

Even if you are innocent, it is in your best interest to have a lawyer. From the arresting police officer to the district attorney, the criminal justice system works to move cases to a conviction. It is designed to assign responsibility for a crime or guilt, not free innocent people. If you are innocent, you may need an experienced lawyer more than anyone.

Is It Worth it to Hire a Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyer If I’m Guilty?

Absolutely! An experienced criminal defense lawyer can challenge the state’s evidence against you. If your rights were violated, statements you made might be inadmissible in court. An attorney can fight to have charges against you reduced or dismissed. If you are ultimately convicted, an attorney can still help by fighting for a lesser sentence.

The Police Didn’t Read My Miranda Rights - Will My Case Be Dismissed?

They must read you your Miranda Rights if you are in custody and will be questioned. If the police question you without first reading your Miranda Rights, any statement you made to them may not be admissible in court. You will need an experienced criminal attorney to help you get your statement excluded from evidence or the charges against you dismissed.

Can I Get Arrested If the Police Don’t Have an Arrest Warrant?

Yes, under some circumstances. A person can be arrested without a warrant if the officer sees them commit a crime. But for certain misdemeanors, the officer can also do it without a warrant if there is probable cause.

Can the Police Conduct a Search Without a Warrant?

Police can sometimes conduct warrantless searches. If you give them permission to search your car or home, they do not need a warrant. Officers do not need a search warrant for any items in plain view during a traffic stop or plain feel during a stop-and-frisk. If there's reason to believe that there is an urgent need to act immediately, they can conduct a warrantless search. They can also conduct warrantless searches at the US border and administrative searches.

Call a Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Near You at Orent Law For Help

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An arrest isn’t a conviction. However, it is important to take prompt action after you’ve been accused. Witness memories can fade quickly or distort over time. Physical evidence can be compromised or lost forever if it’s not secured promptly. Police and prosecutors will apply pressure to get you to agree to a result that’s not in your best interest. They might even violate your rights in the process.

The best way to protect yourself – and get the best outcome – is by calling a Phoenix criminal defense lawyer at Orent Law for help as soon as you can. Our law firm can help you deal with issues related to being arrested, criminal investigations, sentencing, appeals, and any criminal charges you may be facing. Contact us today for your initial free consultation.

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